Change the privacy of a stream

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

Streams can be web-public, public or private, and private streams can have shared or protected history. See stream permissions for details on stream privacy settings.

As an organization administrator, you can always make a public stream private, but you must be subscribed to a private stream in order to make it public.

Change the privacy of a stream

  1. Go to All streams.

  2. Select a stream.

  3. Select the General tab on the right.

  4. Click the pencil () to the right of Stream permissions.

  5. Under Who can access the stream?, select a privacy level.

  6. Click Save changes.

Note: This sends an automated notification to the stream events topic in the modified stream.

Warning: Be careful making a private stream public. All past messages will become accessible, even if the stream previously had protected history.